I woke up a few hours ago with my head pounding. I felt hot waves rush up and over the back of my neck. I tried to turn over in my sleeping bag and go back to bed, but suddenly my stomach turned in that old familiar way, and I knew what was coming.
I made it to the bathroom as quickly as I could and realized in about two seconds that I was either very sick, or my food had been very poisoned. After being glued to the commode for a few mintues, the saliva in my mouth started to build up, and a cough turned into a lurch. Then I lurched again, sniffed, and thought to myself, "Why does this always have to happen in Jessica's bathroom?"
Sure enough, I leaned forward over the bathtub and vomited for so long it was difficult to breathe. I bade farewell to my chicken and potatoes dinner. I could feel stomach acid rip through my esophogus and nose canal along with spit and mucus. Tears started to well in the corners of my eye as I held onto the side of the bathtub, to avoid hitting the rug, or Aurora's bath toys strewn about within. The smell was overpowering as I wished I had gone to bed on an empty stomach.
I just sat there for a few moments afterwards, with my legs pressed up against the side of the cold porcelain and floor. I had both arms draped over the edge and spit out the rest of the offending goo in my mouth. Afterwards I was breathing a lot easier than usual. I decided the acids in my stomach must have cleared out my nasal passage pretty well. The adundance of oxygen made me euphoric. I thought surely the worst was over.
Not quite.
And if you want details, just re-read the first few paragraphs two more times. I spent the better part of two hours in the bathroom, lying on the floor, or perched over the toilet or bathtub.
I feel hot and miserable, and I have a feeling that before the end of the day I'll be able to further explain in excruciating detail my sickness. To make matters worse, I have to be to work at 9am. Normally I'd blow it off, but I'm the opener, so I can't. Damn responsibility.
I was going to write an entry this morning about me going to California. I wanted to tell everyone that I am leaving. For some reason, everyone thinks I'm going to stay. You all have it very wrong. I'm not waiting for a thousand dollars here, just gas money and some change. So no more pools or comments, please. It's killing my fun. I'm already leaving a few people sore, so you're not helping any. Sorry to go off there. Just wanted to be clear. I AM going.
However, for the moment, I'm just going to work. Let's hope the smell of seafood soup makes this all better. But I'm guessing it probably won't.
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