Hey you, this is caliblog, all of this is based on a true story... all of this is our lives my life in a nutshell.

storms move across the country do it yourself

posted on Wednesday, February 25, 2004 by

The title is yet another google search phrase that caught our website. It's almost like a haiku.

It's nice to be back from the dead. Though Monday was a horrible experience for me, I'd rather it was all done in a day. I stopped puking sometime before I went to bed, and generally felt ok the next day. Apparently this is all attached to some type of epidemic. Doesn't matter anymore. Though I'm sure I lost about 5lbs.

Anyway, I decided I should let everyone know Michelle took great care of me all day. Only to go back to Ohio for her spring break sounding like crap. She got me juice and everything. Not to mention I wasn't speaking (or really concious) the entire day, so I'm sure she had fun talking to my cousin and her husband that she'd met once. :)

All kidding aside, Aurora loved Michelle. When we left to go to lunch together the next day she balled her eyes out and pounded on the glass as we drove away. I felt like crap and so did Michelle, but I'm a heartless bastard, so I just drove away. It was nice to eat again after 40 hours too. That first bite of alfredo sauce is just... well it's more than I can describe with words.

My boss is taking my leaving very well, to the point that he might even be able to find me work in LA. He did a lot of his lawyer stuff (don't know what else to call it) when he still was one in California, so he might know some people to hook me up with. If not, it's still cool cause he's going to write me a letter of recommendation that I'm sure will be very nice. All this and all I had to do was put in a two weeks. Go figure.

Everyone at work wants to take me out drinking before I leave. I don't know what it is with these people and intoxication, but I think they're just saying goodbye the only way they know how. I'm going to something in March that's basically just a bus ride to several different bars with a dinner at the end. You get a t-shirt and everything. I'll look like a real drunk. Not those fake kinds you see on TV.

Olivia talked to me the other day. Sounds like she's doing well. I miss her. I'm trying to get her to see me before I leave but her clever husband must have her tucked away somewhere. There's a lot of people I'd like to spend an entire week with, but it looks like it might be more like a few hours for each. If I didn't have to work so much, I could get a little bit of this stuff done. I haven't even seen my sister in 3 weeks.

So, to summarize. I'm busy and tired. Michelle is good. Livi is cool. Bad brother. Drunk. Work in LA maybe. Too poor. Blathering. This post is dumb, I'm going to bed. Fix tomorrow maybe. Probably not.

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