Our website has reached nearly four thousand visits since we first began. It's only been a little over a month and it seems like such a huge number. Now I'm sure we can take into account how many times we checked is (we, meaning our family and friends), but there have been four thousand unique visits that weren't by bots or spiders. The tech-savy know what I'm talking about, but if you're like me and new at this web game, search engines like Google have crawler programs that literally go out into the world wide web and find web pages. The hits I'm talking about were from personal computers.
So yay for us. I'm always under the impression that I have no audience, but it would seem we've started a following.
Mike and Amanda leave on Sunday. I'm elated. I wish I were going with them now, but it's a small matter. I'll be there soon enough. Billy and I are going to try and make the trip as quick as possible. Not with excessive speeding, but without excessive stops. I'm hoping we can make it in three long days. It's been done. Actually, I've done it.
I doubt there will be many more posts from Mike and Amanda for a couple days. They're running around frantically (and I mean that literally) trying to finish all the things on their chalkboard list. Among them were getting an oil change and getting rid of Mike's car. I called him this morning to tell him I got a mowhawk today and he told me he sold the car for $25 to a dealer in Hamburg. I thought it was worth at least $27.
So, to my best friends, I will say simply: May the wind always be upon your back, the sun always upon your face... and may you not spend all of my $1,000 for first, last, and security deposit.
Godspeed Mike & Amanda. Enjoy each other.
p.s. If you were reading closely, you might have noticed I said "mowhawk". Don't think I was kidding.
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