Well, Mike and Amanda left out on their trip yesterday morning. I know I'm going to see them again in a couple of weeks, but It was kind of sad. Plus, there is no promise that any of us will make it out there in one peice. Not that I think anything will happen, but you never know. I hope you guys are having fun, if you get this message.
With the two of them leaving it really gets the ball rolling with a resounding 'BANG', doesn't it. There really is no turning back now. That's fine, just a bit scary. We're in it together, though, so at least we have each other (wherest thou goeth...and all that jazz). I tried to leave a message yesterday (Sunday), but, as I'm sure some of you know, the site was down most of the day. Today I reserved my truck for the trip. I was able to get a fair deal, which is good, but still expensive. My projected date to leave is the 15th of March. Hopefully that is cool with Chuck, but I don't know, because his phone is not working (So call me, Chuckles, if you read this.) Well, this is just a quick update and a 'Howdy', so until next time, be good...and Mike and Amanda, be safe!
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