I woke up this morning with my heart pounding 'outta my chest. Its close. I can feel it. I shouldn't even be writing now, but I'm in need of a break. Its strange I'm so ready to go (except for the whole saying goodbye part) but there's so many routine things left to do. I just finished the dishes. The house needs to be vacuumed after we get the rest of these boxes off the floor. We have bottles to return. It kinda' takes the spontaneity out of it, if you can say this was spontaneous, we have been preparing for a month.
Amanda and I are going to try to stay up all night packing and finishing up things around the house. Tomorrow my dad is going to stop by and drop off the love seat (it will stay here until Billy picks it up with the Uhaul. Actually my whole family should be stopping by sometime in the afternoon tomorrow... we [Amanda and I] thought we would have time to run out to Onsted, but we underestimated the mess that would become of our house. It's going to be hard to say goodbye.
It seems like I got on here to say something more interesting. But Amanda starting showing me a photo album from when she was young. Now, I can't think of anything but all the things I have to do in the next twenty-some hours.
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