Who's to decide what's good and bad?
I won the Crimewave grant! Wahoo! I sent a proposal over to Mark Maynard and he called me a lazy bastard and said I won. So I guess maybe I was just a favorite from the beginning. I drew a really cool schematic using only characters on the keyboard, but apparently that wasn't good enough. Anyway, I'm going to use my newly found grant money to pay for gas. Which, by the way, I can't stop hearing about on TV. The national average is now like $1.70. It's over $2 in California.
Mike called me from L.A. He said the weather is perfect and everyone is being really positive. They have a huge list of places to check out. He said we might even be renting a house instead of an apartment, which would be awesome. We're going to be just like a sitcom. Consequently, I'm holding a competition to see who can come up with the best name for a sitcom with Mike, Amanda, Billy, and me. The winner gets a special prize. You can put your submissions in the comment thing. (I promise the prize doesn't suck.)
Everyone at work is throwing me a going-away party. Bridgette posted a sign at work that said "Chuck's going to LA, So we're having a going-away party!" I'm going to marker over the sign to make it say "a go-away party". Greg is even putting the tab on the store, so everyone can drink for free. And all I did was put in my two weeks...
My car gets lighter each day as I decide more and more things to leave behind. I'm still amazed at how not packed Billy is. His apartment looks exactly the same. I went over tonight to help him pack and he put one statue in a box. Then he sat on the couch and watched friends. "This could take a while...", Chuck thought. We've also decided to maybe leave on the 14th, instead of the 15th.
I made a list yesterday of things I had to take care of. My bank says I can close my account from LA, if I just send them a letter with all this info and they'll send me a cashier's check. I'm glad I thought to check on that. I made a little calendar too with my last week and a half planned out. I've got three parties and about 4 people to see separately. Only two days of work left!
Additionally, if anyone out there reading this owes me money, I have to collect now. No? Alright, well just checking.
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