Well, Mike and Amanda have made it to California, and they couldn't be happier. I only talked to them for a second, but they have a lot of plans to get ready for our coming. Hopefully we'll be able to get a fairly reasonable place, which I'm sure Michael will talk about when he writes very soon. My cousin, Crystal, called me today. She's pretty excited about me coming out. She said I could actually stay with her until we get settled, if I need to. I thought that was sweet of her, but she's always been one of my favorites, anyway. It will be nice to actually know someone who lives out there, so that's something to look forward to.
My friend, James, e-mailed the other day warning me that California wasn't everything he had expected. He gave me a bit of forewarning. He had just gotten back from there that morning. He has a movie he's going to be releasing sometime this year titled 'Ritual Season', I believe. He's really into the horror genre. Keep your eyes opened for it. I can't wait, myself. He's a pretty cool cat. I really miss his company. So, you hear that Mike and Amanda...watch out! California is a shifty place. Don't lose my money or I'll throttle you with my bare feet!
Chuck just left a few minutes ago. I get the feeling he and his girl are not prepared for his departure. I think they're trying to soak in as much time together as possible and tear apart at the last possible second. That's cool and all, I mean, from the time I've spent with her, she's really cool, definitely a keeper. I'm just really worried about both of them when it finally comes to the last second. I just hate the idea of how much this going to hurt each of them. They seem so happy that it's almost bittersweet. I'm really happy for Chuck, but I know what's coming around the corner. Just be careful, guys-and be ready. It's really, really close.
I went into work today and they had the new schedule up, and under my name it was just 7 'U's (for unavailable). It was a little surreal. It's right there in front of me and it still isn't completely sinking in. My cold feet are freezing up. I feel like I'm going to have an anxiety attack when it finally hits me really good. My heart's already beating a little fast just thinking about it. Don't worry, there's no backing down, but WHOA! What the heck am I doing?
Before I go, I just want to say how great Mike's family is. They are so supportive...of all of us. I just wanted to say a quick 'thanks' to all of them: Tim, Deb, Nick, and Mandy. Mike's a very lucky guy.
Until next time...
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