I must say I'm getting a bit worried about our future living situation. I talk to Mike and Amanda everyday and it seems a bit discouraging. I'm not worried about a place to sleep, my fantastic cousin, Crystal, is out there if I need her, but I will have to give my rental truck back, eventually. I do have an interview for a transfer next Friday at the NoHo Target, so cross your fingers on that. If I get it, that will be a lateral move, otherwise I will probably have to demote for now to stay with the company. The last thing I want is to go somewhere else, especially when filling out applications for apartments.
Speaking of apartments, everyone ask Mike about how it's possible to get someone to raise the rent of an apartment you just finished looking at. I just find it funnier than I do anything else.
I thought that work was going to be easier the closer I get to leaving, but they're working me harder this week than the last few months. It's 2:00 a.m. right now. I probably should be in bed for work already, but I just freakin' got out of work a little bit ago. I'm too wired to sleep. For those of you who want more pictures on here, I'm sorry I don't have a camera or a scanner, so I'll have to rely on Chuck's eagerness to that part. I should be done packing in another day or so. I've just worked some odd shifts and haven't had a lot of huge blocks to do anything, except for when I'm being lazy. Anyway, five more days and then we're on the road. Punch me in the face and black my eye! That sure is soon! I should probably go ahead and exchange most of my Michigan currency for California currency before I get out there. I hear there is a lower exchange rate there. It's good to stay ahead of the game.
Well, I'm going to try and get some sleep before morning comes. Everyone take care and if you dream of me, remember, whatever I did in the dream doesn't count against me in real life. Until next time...
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