This post will be brief, since there's a lot of work left to do today, before we leave. I just wanted to thank everyone that helped me out so much. Jessica, Andrew, Joe's parents, my boss, Michelle, Mark & Linette. I love you all. And to my family, since it might be a while 'til we see each other again. You guys take care of yourselves. Keep the clan tight.
Billy and I will be leaving at dusk today. We're packing up his truck, chillin' out for a little bit, catching an afternoon matinee and maybe something to eat, then we're headed off into the sunset. Well, actually, we'll be going south first, but you get the idea.
It's been incredibly hard to let go. There are so many exciting opportunities ahead of me, and all I can think about is all the things I'm leaving behind. My family, my friends. A girl that treats me much better than I deserve.
It's been emotional and I can't think of anything to say. I miss my friends and I look forward to seeing them. I wish it wasn't going to take three hellacious days of driving to get there, but it's a small matter.
I hope we make it. I hope I can see my friends and shake their hands. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams... I hope...
As for now, it's radio silence...
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