Hey you, this is caliblog, all of this is based on a true story... all of this is our lives my life in a nutshell.

day 11 and counting

posted on Monday, March 29, 2004 by

We've been here for eleven days now. Billy is to my right searching the internet for guitar tabs, Chuck is to my left flipping through iTunes for a song that doesn't suck... and there is a plastic cup in-front of my with a giant beetle / bumble bee thingy, that Amanda had smashed in the window earlier... but like all great villains; it's back. To exacts it's revenge.

Anyways, onto the news. Apparently CA had it's first power emergency this morning, the whole state is on 1st alert. So far we're okay. Billy is singing "sweaty palms... sweaty palms... what are they feeding you..." to the tune of 'smelly cat'.

Well... I wanted to put more on here, and maybe I will tonight. But for now - the four of us are leaving to go over to best buy to buy... something. I forgot what.

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