No, I did not pick the title for this blog. Chuck has changed the template from: "place title here" to the above "Mike has poor taste in clothing". That bastard.

Chuck has been checking prices on Mopeds all morning, we've been talking about selling our cars for some extra cash, so we can ride in style. It hasn't happened to me too many times yet, but the traffic jams here can easily add an hour onto your 20 minute drive to the beach. And another plus to having a moped would be parking, our apartment only assigns you one spot, so the three other cars have to find places on the street, which sometimes can be a block and then some away. Not that I mind the walk, hell, it's never too cold here to stroll down the street. I think this one so far is my personal favorite. It makes me laugh to think of what I would look like cruising down the highway on one of these... but... I will be "cruising" right past everyone stuck in their car under the sun.
Amanda took the picture above. I am 98% sure it's from the first time we went to the beach. I know we've mentioned it recently, but didn't go into much detail, the other day we went to Santa Monica, and "it was good". We stopped by the Emmy's statue, played frisbee on the beach for a while (until the sand pooped us out), walked the pier, snapped some pictures, walked around the Promenade and saw some weirdo in a Yoda costume singing to the beat of a Brittany Spears song (I hate George Lucas). We wanted to make it to Venice but it got dark while Amanda was using the rest of her gift card at Urban outfitters... I hate that place too (I know, I know; I sound bitter. But I'm not, I just think Lucas writes shit to sell toys to his cult following, and Outfitters capitalizes on "cool", which just comes off as a store full of posers).
Maybe someone out there could help me. When I first started using DVD Studio Pro, I managed to figure out 90% of it... except for how to add movies and stills before a menu. If anyone out there reading can help me... I will... umm... send you a free caliblog tee-shirt. We don't have those yet, but I will make one special. How exciting.
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