I saw (fuckin') John C. Reilly!!! Can you believe that? Mike, Chuck and I were all pretty much speechless, for over a hour yesterday, after we spotted John C. Reilly loading up his car in the Ikea parking lot. At first we all just tried to "act cool" and walk by like we didn't notice, but then Mike just had to say something. "I know you must get this all the time, but you were really great in Boogie Nights, thats like our favorite movie." And John C. Reilly replies, with a smile, "Oh...Thanks!". WOW! Were we star struck or what? It's one thing to see someone you kind of recognize but don't know their name, or someone really popular the everyone would know (like Jay Leno) but too see somemone you really, really, genuinely like, and think is a great actor and is in some of your favorite movies (Magnolia, The Good Girl, etc...)..... yeah...it was cool.

Today Mike said we should've beaten him up, thrown him in our trunk, and brought him home to have him act out scenes from his movies for us. (if John C. Reilly ever happens to read this...we're not crazies, we would never really do that)
Billy and Chuck are watching The Muppet Movie right now, (where they move to Hollywood to try and make it in show-biz) ironic, huh? Mike is busy setting up his laptop so I will finally have a computer of my own to use. And I just finished making my favorite [vegan meal], sesame tofu and potatoes.....YUM!
Ahh, just another fun-filled Friday afternoon, here in North Hollywood, where the sky is grey and it rained yesterday. That's right I said "rained". Only lightly, for about an hour, but the streets flooded. They have a really crappie drainage system here.
Some of you may be wondering why it always seems to take me so long to post. Well, I am the only person here without a computer of their own. Honestly, these guys really do spend 95% of the time, that they are home and not sleeping, on their computers. It's sickening. Mike will let me use his for a minute, but he gets so antsy and doesn't know what to do with himself. And it's hard to concentrate out here at the x-large L-shaped desk where all 3 of their computers are (loud music on one side, porn on the other). Fortunately Mike got his laptop working and I should be able to use that, as my own, in the bedroom for a while. (Thanks Mike, I love you)
Chuck got a job today (the same position Mike had an interview for, but missed, while I was interviewing at J.Jill). Mike and I both have interviews at Toys R Us tomorrow. Toys R Us was actually the first place that I planned on applying to when I got here, because I have so much experience with them (5 years), but when I called a couple of weeks ago they said they weren't hiring. I decided to give them a try again yesterday and this time, asked for a manager and he seemed really excited. He asked me to come in right away and fill out an app. When I turned in the application I asked for him (so I could give it to him directly) and when he walked up he knew exactly who I was, "your the girl who called" "yes, that was me".
I got a letter in the mail box from my dear, sweet Jenny, today! Yay! I miss that girl. I miss my monday night girls nights, most of all. And my mom.... I miss my mom. I wrote (typed) my Grandma a letter last night. I wanted to actually write it on a card or something but after about a paragraph my handwriting can get almost illegible.
So far I haven't noticed a big difference between living life here or in MI, other than the weather. It's still life as usual. Still gotta work and pay the bills, run errands, do laundry, blah blah blah... But the weather is worth it. The entire climate is 100% different. We are surrounded by mountains and green and flowers and citrus trees. I love it! And of course... the ocean. Stepping out of your door into beauty always brightens your day.

I feel great. I feel happy. I'm proud for myself for doing this.
My life might not be perfect, but at least I feel like I'm doing something about it.
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