O.K., maybe not.
Well, let me just tell you the kind of response I got to my April Fool's Day entry. I received quite a few e-mails, some calling my bluff, some a little worried, and some just plain pissed off-not to mention a phone call or two. Of course it was a joke! Sure, maybe we are running low on funds, and yes, I do hate Mike with every fiber of my being, but I'm here for the long haul one way or the other. Even if Chuck's 'come hither' eyes do pierce through me, like sunlight through an hourglass, I can take it. I'll admit, the first week was hard, but things are good, now.-----So to summerize: Amanda's the responsible one, hate Mike, Chuck wants me, I'm staying. That's about it. Ciao, for now!
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