Caliblog apparently has a guardian angel. The gang at caliblog owes thanks to Andrew from get me online for the extra 25 MBs of server space for free, we had no idea you had been keeping up on our adventures and mishaps; and especially that you thought enough of us to donate space. You saved the day again, Andrew. I wish there was some way we could do something for you [besides keep paying for server space -- which we will definitely be doing], if your reading, and there is a p.o. box we could send a card to, it would be the least we could do. Otherwise; thank you very much... we've never met, but our impression is "you're one hell of a nice guy".

Above: Just to hold our audiences' attention; a random picture with the four of us in it! This was taken about a year ago at a good friend's birthday/ halloween party. I'm in there -- hiding behind Amanda and her devil horns. (Wait, this is my chance to score some brownie points;) look at how beautiful Amanda is... damn her for being so photogenic, when I can't take a normal picture to save my life.
And now; back to more recent events. As you can see from the last entry, we've been experimenting with audblog; you can call in by phone from anywhere, anytime and leave, basically, a voice message that the service automatically time stamps and post on your site. Anyways, there's a method fest going on down the street in Burbank, Dennis Hopper spoke there yesterday -- maybe if anything interesting is going on in the next few days we'll drop by and make a call during one of their concerts, or guest speakers.
Today kinda' sucked. I slept most of it away on the floor with half my body under the futon. I don't know why exactly, I just felt bummed and sleepy. Around nine o'clock at night we [Chuck, Amanda and myself] thought we would go out and catch a showing of 'Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind', but before the movie, we needed to eat.
Long (and boring) story short: we should have eaten tacobell; missed the 10:05 showing; ate at Jerry's on Ventura and it sucked ass [read more about it on our new caliblog: reviews site... be gentle, it's a work in progress]; the busses weren't running at Universal, so we walked; we missed the last showing at City Walk; and now - I have upset stomach.
But on the plus side, we saw Cedric the Entertainer while we were leaving Jerry's, he was short, thats all I have to say. And while we were parking across the street from Universal we drove past a car sitting on two cinder blocks [we are still kicking ourself for not having the digital camera handy] that had all four of it's tired removed, apparently while they were in the park. I have to admit as much as that would suck... it was pretty damn funny.
Due to the bonus server space: you all can expect a new and improved tour of the apartment. We have been half-waiting for Billy; who wants to move some of his belongings into storage before we unveil the curtain (so to speak). If we have the time, we might actually make it more of a "tour" tour instead of just someone running around the rooms with a camera, maybe we'll make it into a bit of a sketch. Hmm... or maybe that would be lame. Who knows? You'll just have to stay tuned.
Chuck lost his free wireless internet connection yesterday. Either someone caught on to his piggy-backing, or else they just don't have it on for whatever reason. Oh well, it was good and fun (and illegal) while it lasted. Well, it's 3:30 in the morning, and even though I slept all day, I should probably try to go to bed since I have orientation tomorrow (or today, I guess), and I don't want to have to go straight there out of bed. So, goodbye and goodnight, for now.
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