Okay. I'm going to do some catching up on old pictures Amanda and I took while on the road. Partly because I have been putting it off, and partly because half-way into my entry my computer crashed and I lost what I was writing... so I'm too lazy to re-write it. First:

Above: Amanda snapped this one while driving (obviously), I really like it. For the most part it is probably all Amanda could see of me for 5 days.

Above: I don't know what I am doing, but I'm standing outside of a TacoBell somewhere in New Mexico, we had pulled over because the sun was making our eyes heavy.

Above: Ray, Amanda's step-dad, took this picture the morning we left. I know, how our cars made it is a mystery to me too.

Above: Here's the marquee for a parking lot we crashed in for a few hours, it was a little rough, Amanda emptied out my passenger side so she could sleep next to me (plus she didn't leave any room behind her seats... so, they didn't lean back). It kept getting cold in the car, and every hour and a half I would wake up and start the car for ten minutes with the heat blaring. Really, I was more worried Ypsi [my hamster] would get too cold. Speaking of Ypsi, here's a picture:

Above: This picture was taken in a vegas hotel about an hour before Amanda and I left for the casino's, I believe I am talking to my mom on the phone; letting her know that I was still alive and well.

Above: We were too hungry to go grocery shopping, so as usual, we settled for TacoBell. Damn convenient, fatty fast food. This was our first night in the apartment, Chuck and Billy didn't arrive till later the next night, we had no furniture... just a futon mattress and some sheets. But still it felt great to finally be in our new home sweet home.

Above: We tried to do most of our driving at night, since it's easier on the eyes and there's less traffic, which is a bonus when you have so many personal belongings in and on your car you can't see anything but ahead.

Above: Here's what I am talking about, blinds spots all over the mother-- this is at the New Mexico border... it looks like it might actually be warm, but actually it was freezing. Matter of fact; only two hours later we were driving through a full blown snow storm.
Well, that's about all the pictures I have worth posting. Plus, it's come to my attention that we are running a little low on server space, so time to upgrade. Yesterday at the Studio City Kinko's I got some new "caliblog.com season one" stickers printed up, so keep an eye out.
Chuck and I were just discussing caliblog merchandise [yes... we are shameless self-promoters], maybe some t-shirts, some new stickers, your basic cali-coffee mug, you get the idea. "Goulet"! Actually we were just saying it would be cool for our own use to have these things, but hey, if people out there show interest; you never know.
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