I thought, since Michelle is coming to see me in a few weeks, that it might be nice to let everyone know what she thinks about me. Brace yourself, folks. I now present, the nicest thing Michelle's ever said about me, and the meanest thing she's ever said about me (true, though it may have been).
"...My stupid boyfriend was supposed to come over tonight after I got out of rehearsal and got done practicing. He told me to call him when I was done. I called, he didn't answer. Called again about 10 minutes later. Still didn't answer. I guess it wouldn't be too big of deal, except that he has my car because his stupid truck is broken and stuck in some guys driveway next to his best friend's house. And since he works about 45 minutes away ... I don't want him to lose his job, I loaned him my car until he could figure something else out. Thinking that, when I called him, I'd be able to talk to him and that he'd come to see me. Apparently not. I don't know why I put up with so much crap."
And here's the nicest thing I could find.
"Chuck came over around 7, we got a pizza, and flipped back and forth between Independence Day and the Super Bowl. We watched the last few minutes of the game, and from what I've heard those were the only good minutes of the game. After that he stuck around til about 11:30 and went over to his Mike's."
Here's what we looked like the last time I saw her.

p.s. I miss her.
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