my heart is pounding
We just had a visit from our landlord, Ted. It didn't go well. Chuck and Amanda hid in the bathroom while I stood and introduced Billy (the only other person Ted knows about... kinda'), I was nervous the moment he knocked on the door. As he stood there in the doorway; looking past us as we spoke; waiting for something that suggested more than two people were and have been occupying his apartment. I was asked five times [not once or twice... five times] if I was being honest. God... my heart is pounding. I wish we would just be left alone, we'll pay rent on time, we'll be quiet, we're nice people. We plan, we've planned all along, on getting Chuck on the lease - looks like that will have to be done sooner than originally expected. I hope this blows over... we don't need this... we're not even on our feet 100% yet. To trip and fall, actually, to be pushed from behind and fall flat on our faces now would be discouraging to say the least.
Well... we'll see how this pans out. We are all brain storming on our "how not to get kicked out" strategy. Okay, writing this entry isn't helping my nerves as I hoped it would. I have to go be nervous somewhere else. Stay tuned.
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