I was reading a study today that said 81% of people support 'tv turn off week' [which runs from tomorrow until the 25th], but I wonder how many people will actually be able to manage leaving the tube unplugged for a whole one hundred and sixty eight hours. If it were up to me I would never have the tv on... I can't stand 90% of it. Everytime I hear a laugh track on some random sitcom I think about how the loops the networks use are from the old 60's shows, essentially; you're listening to dead people laughing. I don't know what is worse; the fact that I know that, or the fact that... no - I just decided... I'm twisted for thinking it. Anyways, yeah: tv turn off week... it is definitely [in our culture] a test of endurance and self-control... which when you think about it; is kinda' sad. "Consumerism has got us by the short and curlies".

note: the above image is suppose to be a "mouse-over"... so if you put your cursor over it and nothing happens, or if it just appears funny to begin with; then I apologize.
Today's plans: Either go see 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' or drive to Santa Monica/ Venice and film a short we've been talking about. It's beautiful outside today and I would like to go film... but Amanda is in the mood to go see "Eternal Sunshine" (I guess, technically, she has been in the mood for two months now). It's not that I don't want to go, I just can't say no to a day of filming, but looking at rottentomatoes; it has gotten amazing reviews.
Chuck is passed out the couch at the moment, but last night before he took off to go to work; he mentioned that, Nina [his overnight boss/ supervisor/ trainer] doesn't mind the employees printing off their own personal jobs (as long as they aren't huge and time consuming), he had already cut and binded his own personal notepad, he was thinking of making "caliblog" business cards next. We're shameless (and dorks), I know.
There was a small stack of mini-flyers on a table in the break room today as Amanda and I were leaving, apparently Randy [one of our fellow employees] is in a band called; "Steriofiend", they have some mp3's it looks like on their site - I haven't listened to any yet, but they do have a girl as their lead singer; which I'm always a sucker for. They're playing at the Roxy on the 25th [hey... the last day of tv turn off week... Coincident? Probably.] Hmm... I wonder if I'll go, it might be fun to check out, I have no idea where or what the Roxy is, so based on that alone, it might be educational [considering I don't know anything thing to go do around here yet].
Aparently I thought it was wise to sit my laptop on the floor while writing this post, and now I have a cramp in my neck and my wrists feel funny, worst of all; this post is a little on the boring side... so, I think I'll be wrapping things up for now.
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