I stared to write this post last night, but it got so late, after the landlord dropped by, that Mike wanted me to stop writing so that we could watch "The Devils Backbone", (a movie we rented) before we had to go to bed and we couldn't stay up late because we had to work at 5 am this morning.
My sister turned 26 yesterday (the 13 th). Wow. That means I'll be 25 soon. That makes me feel old. I hope that she had a great birthday, I wish I could've been there.

This picture of my sister and me was taken 3 years ago in Las Vegas, the week we came out for my Uncle Thurmon's wedding. It's my favorite picture of us (she's the one on the left). Aren't we hot!?
My Uncle Thurmon's birthday was on Tuesday of last week (Happy Birthday Uncle Thurm!!!). He and his wife, Tricia, invited us over for a small gathering at their place on Saturday. It was fun; food from the grill and lots of margaritas! It was nice to see them again. It was the first time we've visited with them since we moved into our apartment. I hope that we continue to see them periodically. I'd like to have them over to our new place, but it's still somewhat packed up here. I'd like to be more settled in. I'm weird like that, I want the place to look perfect for our visitors (especially our first visitors).
On Sunday Mike and I went to Ralph's (supermarket) to pick up a ham (they were giving them away free if you spent over $50, which we did on Wednesday but we forgot the ham so we went back, with our receipt) and some other Easter dinner food. Billy bugged us for 2 days to go and get the free ham and after we did, he and Chuck went to his cousins for Easter dinner anyway. Mike and I enjoyed the evening alone. I made ham, scalloped potatoes, green beans, deviled eggs, biscuits and gravy. Mike said it was good. He stuffed himself (and if you know mike, you'd know when I say "stuffed himself", I really mean it).
I haven't written in a really long time, yes, I'm aware of this. I just scrolled down the blog page and noticed that my last post isn't even on the page anymore (you actually have to go to the archives to read it!). Well.... I guess I'll update.... Mike and I are working at Toys R Us. It's ok. I like to work with him. We get to ride together and it keeps us on a similar schedule, which is nice (you know, both sleeping and awake at the same times is good for the relationship). It's also nice when I'm feeling all crappy because I'm at work and it sucks and then I look up and see Mike's smiling face looking at me. That makes me happy every time. We're stocking early in the morning which is cool cause then we have the rest of the day free. We also both interviewed at Best Buy (just to keep our options open) earlier this week. They do a series of 3 interviews so we won't know anything for a while. They are opening a new store in West Hollywood some time next month, so that's were we'd be going. We'll let you know if anything comes out of that. If they offer me a job, I may do both (TRU and Best Buy) for awhile, since they'll both most likely be part time, and to see which I like best.
I'm feeling a bit more settled everyday (so hopefully we won't have to leave). My Tibetan prayer flags are up and the smell of nag champa is in the air. Mike and I returned the car top carrier we used for our move here to Target and got a cupboard (to put some of my art stuff in and pictures and candles on) and a table for the TV and DVD player. I've done my best to make our bedroom feel like home for me. It's my little escape I guess. This place can get very small if we're all home all the time (as I believe Chuck mentioned in an earlier post). Occasionally I do feel like I'm a tag-a long and they're all just wishing that I would leave. But I know that I can get a bit overly sensitive sometimes so I'm trying not to worry about it. It has been nice having a little of Mike's undivided attention lately. For the most part, it's helped to get me out of the emotional rut (relationship wise) that I was in last week.
I wish this post was less boring, I have more things to say but I really don't feel like they're the kind of things I should post on the blog. I would like to start writing more so I can do less catching up on the boring stuff and more of just writing what I'm feeling.
But for now I've said too much and I have to go.
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