As I was saying: the interview for Best Buy went well; it was short and the interviewer didn't have a lot of questions for me, which left me wondering what kind of impression I left [too quick to tell], I suppose time will tell. Below I left saying I had to run to the bank before it closed - but less than two minutes after posting I remembered I had an interview at Ikea I had to be at in less than 20 minutes (and it's a ten minute drive). I would go into details but there's nothing really eventful to recap. I guess there never is... I'm just lazy to be honest.
By the time any of you read this the 'Great Tower' short will be pulled off our server and replaced with the new weekly movie. It had a good run [71 transfers in 7 days] considering it was our first attempt. Sorry we never got the 'extra(s)' up and running. I am working on it, I swear. Okay, so next up for the weekly movie: a short film titled "y ahora muero", shot while Chuck was taking film classes at Washtenaw. This [I feel I should warn] particular film is a little on the depressing side. I apologize if anyone watching this is offended, or upset by it's material (that I can assure was not the intentions of the filmmakers). Their intentions were to get a passing grade.

The main character in this short is played by Juan, Juan is an inspiring person to meet. He's from Portugal [if I recall correctly]; he came here [to Ann Arbor, Michigan] by his self... barely speaking any english... enrolled for classes at Washtenaw... and after a short period of time managed to find an apartment walking distance from Ann Arbor... and of course; he found a job. He said the first few nights he was here [wondering what the hell he was doing] - he had no where to go, and couldn't easily talk to anyone, he would cry until falling asleep. Some of you assholes out there might crack a joke at that... but I think it's incredibly brave.
"It kind of dwarfs the whole leaving Michigan to come west doesn't' it"?
Anyways; This short played at the Ann Arbor Cinema Slam in 2001, which I admit was a bit of a thrill watching our work on a movie screen. It got a few bad reviews complaining about the choice of music (the score from "American Beauty"), which probably are somewhat legit. But you know what; it's just a film class project. Did they expect us to get it scored? Jerks.
Well, enough rambling from me (for now). We hope you enjoy.
p.s. - I promise next week's short will be less-depressing.
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