Sometimes it's hard not to feel like Jerry Lewis at a telethon with these posts. All I'd need is the microphone because my hands are already sweaty all the time from this blazing hot laptop keyboard. I guess it just goes to show that maybe I'm on it a bit much. I'd be out more, but I only got my first paycheck today. Anyway, I feel like posting is important. I wouldn't want our audience to think we don't care about them. And if chronicalling the boring moments of my everyday life is what makes you people happy then so be it. I can't guess you feel any other way, because nobody comments.
Well, today was sort of uneventful. We were going to go to the beach to shoot a little commercial idea we had, but by the time we were all up and out the door it was already 6pm. The sun was setting, and we were on the 101 in traffic thinking "There's no way we're making it on time." So we just went to the mall and had some Panda Express instead. Somehow we spent almost an hour in the Hello Kitty store.
Then on the way home we went to the Whole Foods Market to get some soy ice cream for Amanda. While we were discussing the difference between fertile and non-fertile eggs, I saw Lisa Nicole Carson from Ally McBeal and ER. I read her profile on IMdB when I got home and apparently she just moved to LA. So for anyone who was wondering, she's probably a vegetarian.
Mike and Amanda and I started talking more about the film group last night. We decided it's going to be called Co-Op Films. I think it's a good name. People should be able to get the idea of what were about right away. I'm not sure how were going to build our base, but how do you start anything really. I woke up from a nap and Mike's already designed a logo which I think is pretty nifty.
Apparently change-of-address forms don't work anymore. Even when you get the confirmation letter in the mail. Several people have mailed me things that aren't making it to my front door. We're not sure why, but if this keeps up, I'm going to have to get a PO Box. If you've sent me something, you might want to keep an eye on your own mailbox to see if it comes back. What really bums me out is that Jessica tried to send me my shoes that I left at home, and I'm sure now they're on a plane back to Michigan, or locked up in a closet somewhere. It's very aggravating. Michelle's letters are the only mail that gets through, oddly enough.
I suppose I'll stop wasting all of our time now. Big day tomorrow. Gotta buy some shoes and convince Billy to go see Kill Bill: Part II with me. I haven't really been dying to see it, but I could use a movie. I mean isn't that why we're out here? Later days, gang.
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