I updated the weekly movie [I know, I know... it's a few days late] last night. I was suppose to import some footage and re-cut a short Chuck and I helped a friend film in Ann Arbor two years ago, but I never got to it with all the other editing I've been doing [you can expect to see it sometime in the future].
So, anyways; the new weekly movie: which is a little hard to watch; [is of the three of us; Chuck, Amanda and I] we took the camera out with us while we went for one of our many midnight walks around downtown Ann Arbor... and then we sped up an hour of footage into a two minute music video. It looks great at full resolution, but that would be far too big of a file to put on our server [maybe... hmm... I might try it now... I think we actually have the bandwidth for it now], but this clip is more like a sixth of the normal resolution and the frames [since they're interlaced] kinda bleed together. I like to watch it frame by frame because its like going through a slideshow. Either way you watch it, I hope you enjoy it and I hope it doesn't give you a head ache. We are working on something to put up for next week... we'll see if we come through.
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