I've never been able to get comfortable at this table. Not completely anyway. I tried buying a new chair, but that didn't seem to help the situation. This should be a sign to me that I spend too much time in front of the computer. If I only jumped on for a half-hour each day to check my e-mail and post occassionaly, I doubt the problem would be as severe. However, as it stands [or sits] I'm moderately comfortable in Mike's oversized red chair, for the moment.
I'm still not sure about the overnight gig. I mean here I am at 2am while everyone else is sound asleep. I haven't been able to come up with any ideas for posts in the last couple days. I think I've been a bit frazzled, with Michelle coming so soon. She'll be here in 4 days. I can't wait.
I wanted to write a post about how I met her, but I didn't want to bore anyone. I suppose you guys can scroll down, or skim the paragraphs. Michelle and I sang in the a cappella group together. That's how I met her anyway. Though, at first, I never paid her much attention.
My biggest deterrent was the cross she wore on a silver chain that always hung over her modestly high-necked sweaters; and a best friend that fainted if you cursed and forgot to speak under your breath. I've never seen her in a tank top in public, and she wears pajamas to bed. I'm talking Samantha on "Bewitched", full blown, pants and blouse - 1960's pajamas. It's a cute kind of dorky.
Also she's taller than me - especially in heels. About 6 inches when she wore these giant black heels on Thursdays. (She drove to Detroit to work with autistic kids every Thursday, and always dressed in businesswoman type stuff) I hated that. I can't stand girls that are taller than me. But without the heels it's only a couple of inches and most of the time I don't notice anymore. She's my leggy brunette.

Slowly but surely, I was with her all the time. The more I hung out with her, the more I realized I liked having her around. Before you knew it, we were dating. Nobody said anything for the longest time. So when we decided we needed an official date, I gave Michael Dec. 15th. I know that now, because he put it on his iCalendar, for reasons I can't explain.
Of course, nothing perfect lasts forever, and I got it into my head that I should move to California. Being out here has made me realize how I feel about her. If anything makes the heart grow fonder, it's distance. Not because I'm lonely without her, but because she really made me happy.
I just read all that and I hate it. It's short and muddled, but that's all I've got. I'm gonna go lie down now. I need to get some sleep. Michelle can fill in the details later. Goodnight, anonymous friends.
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