We all went to see a free run-thru of 'Joey' today over at Warner Bro's. Despite the fact that we had to stand around for three hours before it started, it was fun. But, wow, there are some strange, strange people in the world... and some of them really [and I mean really] like Matt LeBlanc. I was sitting next to a 18 year old girl who apparently was looked at while he was walking from side of the set to the other, and she was in tears going on and on about how he looked her straight in the eyes. The show was okay actually, it was better than I expected it would be. And now that I've seen a run-thru; I hope Matt LeBlanc does well... but something tells me people are going to see Joey and want friends and it's just not going to be friends... and even it tried to be... people would still be turned off by it. But hey, Frasier did well... but then again Frasier is Frasier.
I'm just talking about nothing [in case you haven't noticed yet], actually, I've been fairly unhappy with my post lately. They've been feeling too forced, and I look back and just see 'blah'. But, then again, what can one expect when they lead such an uneventful life. I need to get some sleep in before work, hopefully my post with start taking a turn for the better.
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