I just got back from work a little while ago. I should've crawled back into bed with mike, like he asked, but everyone is asleep and I felt really inspired on my way home, so I think I'll take advantage of this opportunity.
I only worked for 3.5 hours this morning. I have to get a second job. This is the second day in a row that I've been sent home early due to cutting back on hours. And I only had 22 hours this week to begin with. I hope Mike doesn't leave Toys R Us for Ikea. He could get benefits from Toys R Us, too and he could actually do both, since Toys R Us is just a few hours in the morning anyway. If Ikea hired me, I think I'd do both. If Best buy hires me, I will.
When I got up at 5 am to get ready for work, Mike was still up. I'm not sure what he and Chuck were doing, but Chuck is always up at that time (due to the overnight schedule and all). So that explains why Mike is still asleep. They'll all be getting up around noon or so anyway. At 1 pm we're all leaving to go see a run through of the "Joey" show's rehearsal.
On my way home from work some old lady cut me off really bad, then 2 seconds later I saw a cop run a light right when it turned red.
I'm going to post a few pictures of myself.

This is what I looked like when Mike saw me for the first time, my hair was in braids and he thought it was hot. I'm looking at my hand through a magnifying glass that I found in Chuck's room.
I was going to talk a little bit about myself for the folks out there who don't know me, in a shameless attempt to make myself more popular on this blog, but I can't remember what I wanted to say. I guess my feelings are just a bit hurt that no one ever leaves [positive] comments on my posts. I know "it's not a popularity contest"...blah blah blah... And I suppose it does make sense, since the only people to comment are usually Mike's family, Billy's "girlfriends" and occasionally, Chuck's dad.
I've been really obsessed with this song lately, by 'The Postal Service' called '
If you're ever bored and have a minute, scroll down to my links and check out 'Voice Yourself'. It's a very cool sight. Click on "Thoughts from within" and watch the video. Maybe it will inspire you. Another really great thing I found from that sight was this page on industrial hemp facts. The first time Mike and I read it, we were blown away. I know it's a bit long, but if you just skim through it I'm sure you'll find tons of interesting information. Hey..... it might even change the way you live...... that makes it worth mentioning for me.
I got really homesick earlier this week. Not all that homesick for Michigan, just homesick for some friends. My only friend out here is Sara G. who lives in Santa Monica. She moved out here 2 months before me. For some reason we haven't managed to hook up yet. And, yes, I do realize that I live with 3 friends, but sometimes a girl just needs someone to talk to who isn't one of her boyfriends best friends. I miss my girls back home. And my mom and Emily. Some of the time I really feel like I have no friends here, like I have my Boyfriend and he has his friends, and I'm all alone.

This is my dog, Shy. He passed away last Thanksgiving, I've been missing him a lot lately, too. I got him on St Patrick's day, when I was 21 and he was 8 weeks. I raised him... he was my baby.
I had kind of a hard beginning of the week..... and last week... hell, I've been moody. It's been hard. Maybe it's just hormones. I'm obviously still adjusting. Living life here in CA isn't much different than living life anywhere else, it's the moving away from home and moving in with 3 guys that I'm not adjusted to yet. Mike and I haven't really found where our relationship fits into all of this yet, either. But I'm sure it's going to work out eventually. And I am grateful to have all 3 of them here. It's true. I am.

This is Mike and I in Oct. 2002, we had only been dating for a couple of months.
Michelle is coming next week. That will be fun. At least there will be another girl here to hang with. My step-sister, Amber just got accepted to the California Institute of the Arts, in the Film Direction Program. She'll be moving here in the fall. I'm so excited! And she's coming to visit in July, I think. My best friend, Crystal is also coming to visit sometime in May or June. And my mom and Ray will be stopping for a day on their way to visit my godmother in New Zealand, at the end of May.

This is my stepsister, Amber, and her man, Alex. Taken the same day as that last one of Mike and I.
I suppose I should get in the shower now, before the boys wake up and want to leave. I'll have to add my pictures later so this post will probably be posted later.
Thursday 4/22/04 10:30 am
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