After writing this, it turned into something that probably should have gone on 'Caliblog: reviews', but it's too late now, so whatever. Well, as Mike mentioned already, we went to see a run-through (final rehearsal) of Matt LeBlanc's 'Friends' spin-off, 'Joey'. I must say, it was pretty funny. He was cool, too. He would gesture to the crowd everytime he would walk by to another scene. When you watch him you can tell he feels like he has this huge burden on his shoulders to be accepted by 'Friends' fans without the chemistry that made the show so popular. I would like to see the show succeed, being such a big 'Friends' fan myself, but I think most people are going to use the new show as a sort of 'Friends patch'. Slowly weening themselves from the show that has been a part of their lives for the last ten years. Once they have gotten their 'fix' and start looking at the show on it's own, they'll realize the balance that made 'Friends' what it was is missing. 'Friends' was an ensemble cast. No one person made the show as endearing as it was. You can call the new show an ensemble, but let's face facts: people are tuning in to see Joey. As much as you may like one of the other cast members, they're still going to be his supporting cast. It's up to LeBlanc to carry the show. The character is great, don't missunderstand, but too much of any good thing is still too much. He needs an equal character to play off of and he just doesn't have it. I hope I'm wrong. The show that we saw, though...very funny. It's supposed to kick off in September and I'm looking forward to it. I guess we'll see what happens then.
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