P.A. in L.A.
The last couple of days at work have been really slow. I go in around 11 o'clock, we print a few copies off, and by midnight the place is pretty much dead. There are a few regulars that use the computers all night, but they pretty much leave everyone alone. I know it sounds cool, cause I get to sit around and get paid to surf the web, but trust me. It's boring. But I know it's one of those things that when I'm somewhere else, I'm really going to miss getting paid for nothing.
Yesterday my boss told me she was a PA [production assistant] for all kinds of places in Hollywood. She can't work anymore though, because she lost her car. She's getting a new car pretty soon though, and she said as soon as she was working again she could recommend me and get me a job as a PA. Apparently they get paid twice as much as we do now, and all you have to do is drive around and help out on sets and stuff. It'd be awesome just to be working near actual real shoots. I told her to sign me up.
She also gave me the names of some websites I'm looking into that are hiring for Hollywood type jobs. I just need to type myself up a new resume to send out to these guys and get my suit laundered. This Friday will be the first time in a long time since I've actually had some money to spend. I'm still down to thirty bucks, and all of that's getting spent on Michelle. She leaves the day I get paid, and comes back 5 days later. I can't wait to show her around California. I wish she could have been with us yesterday when we went to Venice Beach. It was so beautiful.
I made up some business cards for mike today. I know he's going to freak out when he gets them. He's been putting stickers up all over the place, but I think this would be a bit classier. It's actually really cool. It's just a plain white business card with caliblog.com typed in the center. It's like one of those cards they hand out in movies. I want a version that says "go west" too, but I'm going to see what everyone thinks of these. I can't wait to hand one to a celebrity. [and don't think I won't].
Hearing Michelle's voice on the phone yesterday flipped me out. I can't wait for her to get here. I'll try to keep posting, even though we'll be hanging out all day. Maybe now I'll have something to write about again. First place I'm taking her is to a taping of a TV show with the Indian guy from Van Wilder. You know the one who says "I want to take it to the car wash! You know. Get it waxed!". It's going to be directed by David Schwimmer from Friends, so he'll be there too.
Billy's been talking about taking a warehouse job in the mornings so he can try and get into a theatre troupe around here. I couldn't agree more. Billy was born to be in front of people. He has way too many quips to be wasted on me all day. Speaking of being wasted all day... Just kidding. I just wanted to say it twice.
My car is running like a big piece of crap and I got a letter in the mail today that says my insurance is cancelled. I was trying to ride my bike to work, but the stem is too long and my arms are overextended across the frame. It adds stress on my already bad knee and I can't ride without feeling sore. So soon as I get some cash I gotta buy a new stem. And a bed. And some work shoes. And food. And gas.... [what was I talking about?]
First we all complained that it was only our families that commented, and now everyone's pissed that our families don't comment anymore. Or at least not as much. We just love the attention. Amanda's post was written deliberately to get nice comments and it did not have the desired effect. I'm pretty easy to please, so just knowing it's out there makes me happy. I know those 550 unique visitors to the site are at least SOME people not related to us. So, to the unknown audience, I salute you. Now, comment, You spineless turds!
To my family and friends, I miss you all, but with every passing day I feel closer and closer to California. My new home is growing on me. I can't say I don't' occasionally long for what is familiar, whether it's better or worse, but I can say I'm enjoying what's new.
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