I'm out of shape. I went with Nick to his "easy day" of track practice [assuming that we would go for a run down the old trail]. Instead; we play a game of ultimate, which I was excited about, until I got the frisbee twice in a row. And in Cross & Track we run until tagged, so I'm out-running a handful of high school sprinters and long distant runners from one end of the football field to the other. Ugh. My lungs are good and stretched. But it was fun, and good for the soul. I'm just not looking forward to waking up tomorrow.
Then Nick and I helped Mandy and her friend film & edit their class project. I will probably post it here as soon as it's wrapped up. That was a lot of fun, and alot of out-takes [they got a bad case of the giggles]. I think the commercial is maybe two minutes max, and we have 30 minutes of footage... 25 minutes of it just laughing.
I found this on the news today and thought it was "laugh out loud" funny. Apparently it took a "think tank" to realize that Bush's war in Iraq allowed Al Qaeda to re-group and become stronger. Is this funny to anyone else out there? I could go on for paragraphs why it's so comical but no one reads the blogs if they get too lengthy [and not mention, pictureless].
Which reminds me; I need to borrow my dad's digital camera. I realized skimming through the current post, that there are a total of three pictures. That's just sad. And Chuck, if you're reading this: can you update the weekly movie :) Please.
I wanted to mention something that I think would be far more satisfying and fulfilling than any award or nomination anyone could ever give you. At the Cannes Film Festival this year, Michael Moore's film, "Fahrenheit 911", received the longest standing ovation any film has ever received in the history of the festival. It was reported as being 15 to 25 minutes long. Now, say what you want about Michael Moore, but that's one hell of an achievement. Wonder if I'll ever recieve a standing ovation? Hmm... something to shoot for.
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