Well another one of us has joined the Ikea team. I just accepted a job offer and made the appointment for my drug test. I have some time to kill before my appointment to pee in a cup, but not enough to drive to Jill's and back so I came back to the apartment to tell you all about it. I'm getting a dollar more than at Toys R Us but it's only a part time position (1-19 hours a week) so I'll still be at TRU two mornings a week. Unfortunately I'll be working on the opposite end of the building from Mike.
I'm house/dog sitting for Jill this week (I'll write in further detail about this later). She's a soap opera director. She has a gorgeous house in Silver Lake, with an amazing view and a really lovely dog named Peaches. She doesn't have internet and my cell doesn't get a good signal out there, so I feel a bit secluded, but it's OK.
It only sucks because Mike left for MIchigan today and I can't instant message him or call him very easily. It's really pretty retarded how sad I get when he leaves. I know we see each other all the time. This actually will probably do us some good; absence makes the heart grow fonder, you know.
My mom and Ray were here to visit for a couple of days last week. It was great to spend some time with them and show them our apartment and around LA. It made me feel so proud (like "mommy, look what I did!"). Now they are in New Zealand, for an entire month! I'm so jealous.
On Friday MIke and I went to see a play, called 'Jerry and Tom', just around the corner, at the Whitmore Lindley Theatre. It stars a good friend of mine, Dennis Cockrum. He is a great actor. The play is about two hit-men; it's funny. We had a good time. If you live in the LA area you should go see it, it plays through the end of June.
(i wrote this yesterday as "mike"... oops)
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