Well, it's been six days but I finally have a day off to myself where I can relax. I'm not used to that kind of non-stop schedule [I know; I'm a baby]. I'm reading a book right now a friend from work lent to me; 'Che Guevara - a revolutionary life'. I'm not that far into it, and so far it's reading a bit like a high school history book, but I was warned about that and reassured that it gets much better. I realized I didn't know much of anything about Che, but the person who lent me the book said that he is her hero, and that she has read the book three times [and you can tell by looking at the book... it's seen better days].

Above: Here's a pic that should have been posted months ago, we are at the top of a Santa Monica parking structure.
I have some imported footage from Amanda and I's trip out here that I'm going to post on here soon, I would do it now, but we are reaching our max-bandwidth limits [again]. So I will just wait till the month resets. I have almost an hour of footage so I'll have to break it up, and I want to put a short clip of our beta fish, Adam, who just recently passed :( He somehow jumped up and out of his fish bowl and he was found dried up on the floor in our bedroom. Very strange. Chuck and Amanda said their goodbyes and flushed him down the toilet while I was at work.
Oh, while I'm thinking about it; does anyone out there know how to take basically a lamp and make it run off of batteries? Do I just use a ac/dc converter? Can I just cut off the plug and connect the wires to a battery? Does this all sound crazy? Chuck and I were discussing filming something at night, and I want to make what would basically be a boom-mic and make a boom-lite... so to speak. I'm just not much of an electrician.
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