So, yesterday I went to see a movie at the Beverly 13, which is in this HUGE mall. I think it may actually border Beverly Hills (thus the name). The theater is on the 8th story of this gargantuan building. When you first get off the elevator, you actually get light headed from being up so high. Basically, 'Macy's' and 'Bloomingdales' take up most of the bottom of the mall and the 'regular' mall stores (still the high end stores, though) take up the top three floors. There's no escalators connecting these top floors to the bottom floors. They're separated by an elevator, to keep the riff-raff unseen. While I was there, though, I did see one of my favorite actors, Michael Keaton. He just walked right by me. Well, he strutted, really. It was cool. After that, in the hallway of the theater, I saw WWF's (or whatever they call it nowdays) star, Chris Jericho. He was by himself talking on his cell-phone. I'm not really a 'talk to celebrities' kind of guy, so I didn't say anything to either one. I would just rather leave them to their business. Anyway, that's all for now. Till next time...don't get pregnant!!!
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