Hey you, this is caliblog, all of this is based on a true story... all of this is our lives my life in a nutshell.

posted on Tuesday, May 18, 2004 by Anonymous


There's a computer lab where I work that's open all night. After midnight we only have one or two people on computers. Usually a homeless person will be passed out at the laptop station. They leave the customers alone, so we leave them alone.

Last night my manager pointed out a woman I hadn't seen before. She was asian and looked about mid-forties, but didn't seem to really fit the profile. Her clothes still looked pretty clean and her bag seemed to be well kept. She was sleeping with her head on one of the desks, and my manager told me she'd done the same the night before. Obviously she hadn't just randomly nodded off.

I didn't think much about it until about 4am when she walked up to the counter. In between yawns she told us that she'd lost her wallet on a bus with her passport and ID inside. She tried to get it back, but it was gone by the next stop. They wouldn't let her rent a hotel since she didn't have any picture ID. I thought about making her a fake one.

She asked if the cops would "put her up" if she went to see them. I told her I wasn't sure. She told us she didn't have any family or friends in the area. I wonder how often people get stuck halfway around the world. I mean I know at that point I would have gone to an embassy, but maybe there was some reason she couldn't.

I'll probably see her again tonight. If she talks to me again, I'll try and find some directions to the embassy for her. When she left this morning she waved and mouthed 'goodbye'. She smiled almost like nothing was wrong.

I hope it's optimism.

I hope she finds her way home.