I spent last night with Amanda at Jill's. Internet-less. It was good and bad; good because it let me spend more time thinking and writing, but on the bad side; I wanted to write a post really bad... and had to tough it out until she came back with the car. I started writing the breakdown for co.op films; how it works, who is who... and so on.
I'm a little fuzzy on my schedule, but I think I might not have another opportunity to write again until I get into MI. Unless of course I can find a the little do-hicky I need for my laptop so I can plug a phone-line into it and install AOL for a week, then I should be able to, which reminds me; I need to look for that.
Peaches, Jill's dog, is really cool. While playing with her though, I accidentally threw one of her toys on the roof. I had a blue chew toy with little red balls on it and I was running around the back yard getting her chase and jump after me, when I decided I would stop faking her out and really toss it up in the air, but when I let go of it, it went flying behind me and disappeared on the roof, Peaces gave me a very disapproving head tilt. Apparently I'm not very good at tossing things straight up. So, I go back through the house and out the front door and find it laying in some ground cover. Now, I'm apparently smart enough to leave the door cracked open (in case it automatically locked... it was a strange old door), but when I'm walking back up the stairs with the toy I slip and pull just enough before pushing, and the door clicks. It's 9:30, Amanda doesn't come home until 11:30 and I just locked myself out. But long [and boring] story short, I let myself back in... (I would tell you how... but Amanda thinks it's a bad idea), and stopped tossing Peaches's toys in the air.
Okay, I have to leave for work soon and I'm starving. So, till that day.
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