Just before my shift was over today, a guy came in that seemed to be in a hurry. He asked if I could help him with some color copies, but did the typical thing. i.e. waited for me to do it for him. He kept telling me what he wanted done, but wouldn't actually do it. He'd just stare at me like I was his personal assistant.
Typically, I'll tell people they'll have to place an order, but I was almost out of there, so I thought what the hell. By the end, I'd done about $15 of work, had he placed an order with us. The whole time with him correcting me and talking about how outrageous our prices were.
The pictures he was copying were of him and some baseball players. He was an umpire. I goofed one of the copies, and as we went to get him his change, he told me I could keep it. I saw the baseball players in the picture, so I asked "Anyone famous?". I think he thought I meant him. So he asked me what my name was, took a pen and signed the picture. He'd been so angry the whole time, I was sure it would say "To the worst customer service rep ever". Instead, he opted for "Be safe always. God bless."
I laminated it.

p.s. Does anyone know who these guys are?
I slept about 12 hours yesterday. Really because I didn't have anything better to do. I went to bed at 10 and just kept going back to sleep. By the time I finally got up, it was time to go to work. I think this could be an excellent device for saving money, while simeltaneously grounding my social life into a fine powder.
Being at a job where you only see one of two people each night makes it a little more difficult. My interactions with co-workers are polite and minimal. It's not that we don't laugh and have a good time, but we're not going clubbing together anytime soon. Though, I never clubbed in the first place. (Maybe a couple baby seals)
So I've decided to start college here. I know it probably won't be cheap at first, but I'm only going to enroll for a couple classes. This should be a good way to increase my network within the business, and get a social circle. I'd like to meet some other Californians with film interests. Imagine that, I'm a Californian now.
I'm not sure where I'll attend, so I'm open to suggestions, if anyone has them. It has to be sorta close to Hollywood. Film school would be good. I guess I'll go check that out now.
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