I found out yesterday that it was snowing in Michigan. Meanwhile, we were roasting. The valley was about 100 degrees yesterday. I took Michelle to the mall and all the local places, since we were supposed to go to a tv show taping yesterday with Billy. I wanted to get back by 5:30.
I took her up Mullholand drive, which curves along a mountainside, to get a better look at the city. Then we went to Burbank and the mall and Ikea and stuff. Mike and Amanda went with us to Santa Monica later on. We had chinese and went to the beach. The ocean made Santa Monica about 10 degrees cooler, so then the weather was perfect.
Last night we tried to sit around the house to chill out a little, but the heat was almost unbearable. I kept passing out on the couch, so Michelle watched my Futurama DVD a little. Finally, Mike and Amanda came out of their room and we all drove to the store to cool off. We debated going to the S. Monica again, cause they let everyone sleep on the beach, but everyone just passed out. Our air conditioner is broken. Billy checked it this morning and it's covered in frost.
So big plans for today. We're going to the beach again, only this time were going alone and taking a picnic or something. It's still too cold to swim, but the cool breeze under the sun is... well, perfect.
I'm elated. I'm glad she's here. I haven't felt this centered in a long time. I wish she didn't have to go back.
Here's the video of us picking Michelle up at LAX.
Also, her mom bought me a frisbee and attached this to it. It's terrifying, I think, but I guess it's the thought that counts.

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