Hey you, this is caliblog, all of this is based on a true story... all of this is our lives my life in a nutshell.

mr. rogers for president

posted on Wednesday, May 31, 2006 by

I just finished watching a clip from a '69 Senate hearing with Fred Rogers, or Mr. Rogers, as most people know him - speaking against a budget cut to public television proposed by Nixon... no doubt to "balance" the ongoing Vietnam invasion.

I was a bit caught off guard by it - I would have never expected to be so moved by his words. I wish now that I had watched more of his show as a child growing up.

Something about the way he slowed down the conversation - made sure people felt calm and involved. His presence seemed to shift, on a dime, the mood in the congress - it went from business to personal, and I think suddenly the members remembered that their cuts had real, long-lasting affects on the outside world.

Mostly, I wanted to post this clip to show people that one person can have a strong effect - Mr. Rogers, during this hearing, wasn't the life-long children's mentor and icon he later came to be, he was young, and had only been doing his show for a short number of years. Pastore had never even heard of, or seen his public access show.

But with words - and only words, Fred Rogers does something very simple and powerful - brings out people's inner-child and with that... a strong sense of morality. I wish he were still alive.

2 comments for mr. rogers for president

and Blogger angela was all like...

it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.....

  7:51 PM, June 02, 2006
and Blogger Manda was all like...

mike... i think you've been studying that book that my mom got you. :) this is very well written... almost can't belive it's you. thanks for posting this... i wish you could've seen more mr. rogers as a kid.

  10:36 PM, June 02, 2006

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