Hey you, this is caliblog, all of this is based on a true story... all of this is our lives my life in a nutshell.

4 days left

posted on Wednesday, May 31, 2006 by

Originally posted at Project Pedal
I'm going to try to keep this post short tonight - although I have a massive amount of info' to share with everyone, I think it's best if I pace myself.

Tonight I'm just going to lay the ground rules for the next few days. As the title of this post says, there are 4 days left until we leave, in an RV, up the Pacific Coast for a 5 day shoot of what will become the pilot-episode for Project Pedal.

I'm going to post, at least once, every day up until we leave for filming - while we are on the road, we have a long list of free wi-fi hot spots along our planned route. That is, until Nevada, there just isn't anything in Nevada. We'll do our best to publish what we can, when we can.

Tomorrow I have a final meeting with Matt, the producer, we'll go over last minute details. Then around 9 o'clock at night, Tim will be coming in from Hawaii, Nick, my brother, flies in on the 2nd from Detroit. The DP (who is no longer Olivier, but I'll get into that story later) gets back into town on the 3rd. And we all leave, as one big happy family, very early on the 4th.

Don't forget to read over the little update-box-thingy that I just worked so on, you'll find it near the top of the post column, just under the header. It has all kinds of entertaining (some people might disagree) info about the trip.

3 comments for 4 days left

and Blogger Deborah was all like...

So...you said you were going to post everyday, you're a couple days behind already! LOL

  7:06 PM, June 03, 2006
and Blogger Mike Ambs was all like...

Well :) I've just been posting them at Pedal...

  2:10 AM, June 04, 2006
and Blogger Deborah was all like...

Oh, oops!

  2:02 PM, June 15, 2006

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