Hey you, this is caliblog, all of this is based on a true story... all of this is our lives my life in a nutshell.

maybe it's just a dream...

posted on Saturday, December 04, 2004 by

So, it's 11 o'clock at night and I've been reading too much again [for my own good]... and now I'm really, really pissed off at our government. I feel so powerless... I could go on for pages - but instead I think I'll take a deep breath... count to ten, better make it twenty, and ask this one question:

How many days after Christmas do you think the Bush Administration will wait before announcing the draft? Maybe I should take bets. Eight days? Ten?
Iraq forces 'need extra US help'.

The Pentagon announced on Wednesday that the U.S. is going increase its troops in the war torn-country, Iraq, to reach 150,000 by mid January.

Fears grow of military spread thin.
Sorry to be such a downer... it probably doesn't help that I'm watching 'Dear Hunter' right now. Maybe I should stop - and put in the 'Best of SNL'... or 'Bottle Rocket'... anything. You know what always cheers me up, watching this news out-take. And yes, I'm well aware I have a twisted sense of humor.

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