Hey you, this is caliblog, all of this is based on a true story... all of this is our lives my life in a nutshell.

baby steps

posted on Friday, December 03, 2004 by

Originally posted at Proj:Pedal...

Something dawned on me earlier... something very simple actually, I'm a bit embarrassed it's taken me so long. I took a few steps back from this site - and thought about my reaction [if I was a third-party reading this site] to proj:pedal's s.o.s. for $8,000. Now, for a indie-film's budget, that's bare-bones, to anyone else [believe me... especially myself] it's anything but. I can only imagine how many people have skimmed over the line, "help... I need $8,000 for my film", and thought, "yeah, you and me both, buddy".

So, the revelation I had was to 'break it apart'. Yes, I know, it took me way too long to arrive at this point.

Now, instead of saying: I need $8,000. I'm going to say: I need, for example, $150 for two TV monitors. These monitors will be used by the DP and, if needed, the driver for shots involving the vehicle. Then I could say I'm hoping for 6 $25 donations, and just cross my fingers and hope for the best. Waiting until all the money for 'said item' is raised before moving on. Considering I have less than six months to raise the minimal budget of 8'grand [more than a grand a month...], I'm hoping this proves more effective than - well, before basically.