Hey you, this is caliblog, all of this is based on a true story... all of this is our lives my life in a nutshell.

a little of this... a little of the other stuff

posted on Wednesday, December 01, 2004 by

I keep forgetting to mention in my post - that I've spotted a few more celebrities recently: Neil Patrick Harris... Pauly Shore [well, he's kinda' still a celebrity]... and the woman from Alive.

While I'm busy mentioning little things that are long overdue: I have a beard again... so that's fun to scratch.

Amanda cooked a giant post-thanksgiving diner last night for myself, Billy, and Lorrie, a friend that we met at Ikea. It was glorious. And I'm five pounds heavier because of it.

Then today, Billy was looking forward to eating the left-overstuffing [apparently all day long] but didn't mention it to me... so when I ate it all while he was playing Mr. Doo's castle, he was heartbroken.

To make Amanda happy... I thought I would mention that I love her. Now all the world knows - scary.

And I guess that's it - mostly because Amanda is watching Will & Grace in the living room... TV: the ultimate WMD [weapon of mass distraction]... that was a bad joke, I apologize.

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