Hey you, this is caliblog, all of this is based on a true story... all of this is our lives my life in a nutshell.

Amanda's Mom is coming to town, which means one thing...

posted on Tuesday, May 23, 2006 by

It's cleaning time. Amanda has broken out the eight cans of carpet cleaner - I just finished doing the build-up of dishes that used to barricade the kitchen - then I fixed the screen door to the balcony, since our bastard of a cat decided to push his way through it yesterday to get to his boyfriend next door.

Still left on the to-do list written on the chalkboard: vacuum... counters... mop... dust.

Here are some particularly uninteresting pictures of our progress - yes, I'm obviously finding things to do to avoid cleaning:

And just because it was on the camera when I imported the photos - here is a random pic' of the view from our office window. The red flowers on the trees are getting so bright that in the morning, when the sun hits them just right, the whole living room glows pink.

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