Hey you, this is caliblog, all of this is based on a true story... all of this is our lives my life in a nutshell.


posted on Monday, January 03, 2005 by

The other day while running around the hills in Studio City, I stopped and stretched at an intersection - looking up between stretches I noticed the street I had been running on was called 'Laurie St.', which happens to be Amanda's mother's name [minus the "St." part of course], for some reason I thought to myself, "that would be crazy if the intersecting street was called 'Amanda', but when I walked over to look it was just named 'Berry St.'. So, five minutes later I was all finished loosening up and started running up 'Berry'.

Several minutes up Berry I figured I had probably gone a mile and a half uphill and I should turn around now if I wanted to just go three. So, when I hit the end of the street, I turned around and met Amanda back at the Gym. Before we went home though I wanted to drive the streets I just ran to see if I was right about the distance, my time seemed a little quick for being in such poor shape.

But when we got to the top - I was happy to find I was right on - and then Amanda looked over and saw the street I was doing a u-turn on was named 'Amanda St.' - I then told her about Berry & Laurie [which was only around the corner a ways]... coincidence? Creepy. I don't think I've ever in my life been on a street named Amanda or Laurie - before that day - and for me to wonder that is just bizarre. To me at least... okay I'm done making myself seem crazy.