posted on Saturday, December 11, 2004 by
Originaly posted at Project Pedal...
I am very proud to announce the first officially ‘cemented-in’ crew member for proj:pedal, this person is very well known in the indie-film underground and is very highly respected. Both his work and his techniques in mini35 [on a shoe string budget] have strongly influenced and inspired countless filmmakers.
Olivier Vanaschen, the founder of ‘Another State of Mind’, the creative team of indie-cinematographers and photographers that launched their careers in commercials and music videos with a short film titled, ‘Marla’.
This is really an exciting leap forward for proj:pedal, and apparently ‘good-things’ come in twos: I recently received an email from the manager of a sound studio outside of San Diego, who also happens to be an avid touring-cyclist, the studio is looking to expand beyond it’s music services and offer a “one-stop-shop” for audio-post: ADR, efx, foley, etc… the studio has offered their services for proj:pedal free of charge. This offer isn’t final just yet, but it’s nice to see the film getting this type of attention.
This last week has been amazing for this project, I feel like I’ve been chugging along at a pace that I’m not always 100% content with… and all at once I’ve made a huge push forward, I’ve contacted 30-plus cycling magazines [probing for sponsorship or an opportunity to spread the word about what we’re doing] & filled the DP position, it’s all very exciting. Very exciting. Stay tuned.
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