Hey you, this is caliblog, all of this is based on a true story... all of this is our lives my life in a nutshell.

Now hold on a second...

posted on Saturday, December 11, 2004 by

Sorry I'm late. I've been EXTREMELY busy. Can I get a chance to say anything?...

Has anybody heard ME say anything about not giving Chuck his money? Has anybody heard me say that I'm not STILL going to give Chuck his money? Have I been writing vindictive or derogatory comments about Chuck anywhere? Not that it matters, but I had the money set aside for Chuck before he left. We were supposed to take care of it on the way to taking him to the airport, but we got so caught up in trying to enjoy our last bit of time together that we forgot and when we got to the airport he had to get going. After that, things went a little screwy. By the time Chuck had gotten to Germany and e-mailed me about it, something pretty serious had happened that left me finacially in the negative. After that, I racked my brain trying to figure out how to get some extra money together, but when the bills came I underestimated how much they would be with one less person. As everyone read we were all scraping pennies together (literally) just to get to the next payday. I wasn't "ignoring" Chuck. Anyone out there who knows me knows that I'm not the best with keeping up with my e-mails. I didn't even know he put anything on Caliblog. I never go there! But when I saw his comments on my site and then heard he was plastering it on Caliblog, I did get a little peeved. Regardless of whether I kept him abreast of my dilemma or not, none of you out there know what I've done for Chuck and how much I've stood by Chuck and always done what I've could to help him out since I've know him. I can tell you it was more than enough to merit a little more faith in me than, "It's been two weeks, he's f*ckig me over." Even when I wasn't happy with him, there were times when I was the ONLY person standing beside him, including his family. The point is, I'm getting Chuck his money and I'm hurt that he would think that I wouldn't. I just didn't want to share it with the rest of the world.

If you honestly think this whole sabotage thing is simply about that, than you're all pretty naive. He may be upset about that, but he wasn't even attacking me. I don't even frequent Caliblog anymore. He's trying to get back at Mike for removing him from a site that he said he was done with as well as things that have been building for a while, because he mentioned doing this while he was still here. He's had some issues with THEM, not with me. This was just his own little justification to himself to finally do it. He said, "MIKE has no idea that I know. Tempting, isn't it?", not 'BILLY and MIKE...'. Jessica ripped on Mike and Amanda ONLY and Chuck and Pete thought it was hilarious and it led into the 'destroying Caliblog' (no longer MY site, by the way) conversation. He had a different plan for me (the whole reporting the car stolen thing), but the car's in my name and he marked that I paid $0.00 for the car when he signed over the title, so there's no way to report it stolen or sue for money. I legally don't owe anything. But that's all moot because, like I've said, I'm not going to stiff him, anyway.

No matter the reasons, what he did was wrong on so many levels. To make it worse, he did it just as he was leaving and was going to be unavailable for Mike to contact him and fix the problem. You can say this was all my fault if it makes you feel better (as far as I'm concerned, personal matters between Chuck and I should stay between Chuck and I), but the truth is only ONE person in this whole mess was out to deliberately hurt someone. He was going to leave Mike and Amanda (not ME) ass-out and laugh about it the whole way knowing how much it would devastate them. The only remorse he and Pete feel is in getting caught in their own snare. He knows how important that sight is to the two of them. I don't blame Mike and Amanda for anything they want to do in return. As for me, I'll settle things with Chuck in my own way.

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