posted on Monday, November 08, 2004 by
I get more and more tired of this "face-lift" with every passing day... actually now that I wrote that, I'm not entirely sure I believe it.
Maybe it's just my recent desire to turn off the comments... not because I want to censure anyone's opinion... but I'm actual finding myself not posting at all just because of the site's vibe - even if I want to post something non-controversial, it almost feels the same as when you get into a mini argument with someone and then the next day you're not really mad at them, but anything you say is more of an icebreaker than a small-talk statement... if that makes any sense.
But yeah, either way, I'm building myself up to redoing the site again... this one just doesn't have what it takes for the long haul. The first major re-haul grew on me over time, and this one is having the opposite effect. Ahh, you win some - you loose some. Okay. I'm busy working on Amanda's Grandma's birthday present, so I think I'll keep this short.
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