Hey you, this is caliblog, all of this is based on a true story... all of this is our lives my life in a nutshell.

Love Hurts...

posted on Friday, November 05, 2004 by

(Originally published in GenericCity.com on Oct. 21, 2004)
So, tonight the neighbors across the hall got into another one of their usual shouting matches, which happens at least a couple of times a week. The difference this time is that as it got a little more heated and it moved out into the hallway, I looked out to make sure everything was OK and their vocal dispute had escalated into him beating the green eggs and ham out of her as he forces her back into the apartment and slams the door. I just wanted to grab the S.O.B. and toss him down the stairs, but I've jumped to aid of women before in similar situations and every time she switches to the defense of her 'loving' man. So instead I called the police and told them what was going on. During this time I can hear her screaming about how bad her eye is and about her nose (which he has generously broken for her five different times, apparently). After anywhere from 35-40 minutes, the police finally arrive, knock on the door, enter the apartment, and within a minute's time are heading back down the stairs and leaving. I was so frustrated the I wanted to go across and beat the daylights out of her myself. And the police just LEAVE. Not even enough time there for a verbal 'slap on the wrist'. Nothing! But I bet if you were jay walking or were going 5 miles over the speed limit t you'd be stopped and fined. A person can be harshly disciplined for driving recklessly or drunk due to the danger that they could hurt someone else regardless of the say of the incidental victim, but when an obvious harm is being maliciously done, they don't even sneeze about it? What is wrong with the world?

What makes someone so blindly love somebody enough to allow them to do something so horrible to them? You know what?...No... What makes a person care so little about themselves to allow someone to do something so horrible to them...and regularly? I mean, I know why. It just doesn't help it make anymore sense. Man, people are messed up...

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