posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 by
It's very strange how slowly over time, something that was once an outlet for us during a rough time in new surroundings... has at some point, become this cyber-pet that leaves you feeling guilty when you don't commit enough personal attention. I'm always aware of these 'puppy eyes' begging for me to play with it like I used to... and so I try... but it's not the same as it was in the beginning, is it...
We just don't write 'em like we used to. So... something more personal, eh? Lets see, today I woke up and drove Amanda to work, I don't have to go in till six - that's been happening a lot lately... all the hours have been cut. Which means my checks suck and I don't do much with the money I don't have. I ate some yogurt earlier, but I'm starving and keep occasionally wandering into the kitchen hoping that magically a buffet of mac & cheese with hot-dogs will appear inside the empty fridge. But no luck so far. Hmm.
Perhaps this is why the blog has gone downhill, driving people to work and eating yogurt isn't quite the same as moving across the country. And I actually, for some sick twisted reason, feel guilty when I don't do anything, and yeah part of that guilt comes from wasting a perfectly beautiful day in sunny California, but most of it comes from not having anything exciting to share on the blog. It's very strange. A lot of times I log into blogger, and click new post, and then just sit there, wondering what to write - I want to share my day, but I didn't do anything worth talking about, so what do I do? Okay, that's no entirely true, I always do "something" I could talk about, but at the end of the day, when it comes down to it, my day doesn't weight on my mind as much as other things. Like politics for example. Not even politics... these thoughts are far from partisan... I'm just pissed the country is being mind-fucked. Sorry for the language, but it's true. But if I write about that [what's on my mind], people tell me to shut the hell up, in so many words. So now, I don't have an outlet for my thoughts like I used to... I have a unrealistically-high watermark or expectation of entertainment - constantly expected to out-do myself with each passing post. But I suppose these things happen.
Don't get me wrong, I like the blog and all that mushy stuff, but it's the same for me as it is for you out there reading: not the same. You want a cross country adventure and I don't have it. And I want an outlet for my thoughts and I don't have it. But on the other hand, this feels good. Getting this strange-guilt, of not upping-the-ante, off my chest does come as a relief.
But for now, I'm going to try to treat this as my outlet... that may not be what everyone wants, but to half-quote Jon Stewart, "I can't always be your monkey". I'm guessing that my political "ranting" will die off after the 2nd... or maybe better [for our readers] this will become a blog about moving to Canada. Cana'blog? It's not as catchy unfortunately.
And with that, I will leave you all with some unwanted information I need to get off my chest: After many months of protest from the public, Bush & Cheney agreed to testify with the 911 commission [this is fairly old-news], but only under their terms, which included: no cameras, no transcripts of their "visit", no reporters, no outside witnesses, both Bush and Cheney insisted they testify in the same room at the same time, and strangest of all, both refused to testify under oath. Ask yourself why? Stay the course, America.
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