posted on Monday, July 19, 2004 by
I hate writing when it’s hot like this. My laptop heats up to about 100 degrees and I have to lay my wrists right on the warmest part. Every time I lift my hands up there are wet imprints of my palms. It’s cool if you just turned it on, but leave it running for a day and you get the full effect.
I had a filling fall out of my tooth in the back left side of my mouth, on the top. I think it was actually for two teeth, because the gap between them seems wider. It’s driving me insane. Every time I eat anything with meat in it I have to floss right afterwards. I started wrapping floss around a toothpick and carrying it in my pocket to work. Otherwise I can’t go near my Subway.
It’s starting to get really annoying and my health insurance from work hasn’t kicked in yet, so there’s nothing I can do about it. I haven’t been to the dentist in a while, so I’ve probably got other work in there that needs to be done. I really hate teeth sometimes.
This post is for AJ. She’s been bugging me for a couple days now to write something. To be honest, I just didn’t have anything to say for once in my life. It’s just been a slow week. I’d write some of the stories she’s been telling me, but I’m not allowed. I’m just hoping that saying I’m not allowed alludes to the kind of stories I’ve been hearing. I’m probably going to get a beat down, so I’ll shut up now.
I’m still waiting for approval for time off from work so I can go visit Michigan in August. I’m definitely looking forward to being home for a little bit. I want to go see my parents and my cousins really bad. I miss the girls. I’m hoping that being there for a couple weeks will calm my nerves a little. Yeah, I get homesick. So what.
I’m finally over the flu, but it really gave me a kick in the gut for a few days. I was in terrible condition. I think last Tuesday I slept for about 18 hours, only waking up long enough to drink a couple of Hi-C juice boxes and stagger back to bed. It wasn’t fun, but it felt good to beat my first sickness away from home. I guess California and I are a bit closer now.
Here's an impersonation of me, mid-thought - (...)
I'm gonna go now.
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