Hey you, this is caliblog, all of this is based on a true story... all of this is our lives my life in a nutshell.


posted on Friday, July 16, 2004 by Mike Ambs

Today we [Chuck, Billy, and myself] went to the Beverly Center to watch "What the fuck do we know", a movie exploring the connections between science [namely quantum physics] and basically everything else [mostly religion]. It was definitely an eye opening experience -- a "mind over matter" kind of thing... except "matter" isn't held in the traditional sense... neither is the "mind" really... hmm... let's see if I can do better than this;
First the film goes into the perception of reality, certain experiments have shown than when a person is shown an object, say a lamp, specific areas of the brain "light up", but when that person closes their eyes and is asked to think about the lamp, the exact same areas react. Which suggest that the mind doesn't "know" the difference, which suggest that we don't really have a way of "knowning" what is real... which is where quantum physics comes into play;
For example, in 93' an experiment was conducted in Washington DC with over a thousand people from 40 different countries gathering to meditate. Due to 48 different similar studies carried out before they estimated that during the meditation the crime would drop 25%, the police department even came forward to down-talk the event, saying that nothing short of two feet of snow would cause crime to drop 25% during that summer weekend. But just as they expected, the meditation had an un-denialable effect [25%] on crime. What does this have to do with quantum physics? Energy, space and time, and the mystery that one "energy" is at any given time, in two or more places at once, but when it is "looked" at, it moves to one area, or the sister / daughter cells disappear... but to where? No one knows exactly.
Actually, I'm gonna stop there, because if I try to go into all the different subjects of the film, this post would be one long boring run on sentence... if it isn't already.
I found out two things about Mark Maynard yesterday, one) he has a tattoo! And two) he now has a little baby girl. Drop by and congratulate him [on his baby, not his tattoo].

On a side note; getting epidemicly obese now has a sleek new look [thanks, Jen], so that's exciting.
Amanda just pointed out that caliblog has slowly, but surely slipped down the 'blogs of note' list to last place, it's been fun while it's lasted. We all knew this day would come. "Sigh".
For those of you who haven't yet noticed, there is a new "featured movie", but this one is especially exciting because it's from our friend, Pete, in Germany. Here's a short exert from his synopsis on the short film:
"The Mirror's Side is actually a really overblown version of an idea for a music video I came up with in High School. I was sitting at my computer table at age 17 thinking "wouldn't it make a great music video if a person got sucked through a mirror and went walking around in a backwards world?" The original idea was to be a silent feature, and the story line was not much more than that. Man finds t-shirt, man sucked through mirror, man wanders around aimlessly, bum says "your shirt backwards," man reenters reality..."

You can download the synopsis in it's entirety here. It's a three part movie, if you click on the "The Mirror's Side" link to the left, you should see a drop down of the separate links.
Which reminds me, recently I've been doing a lot of changes to the site, and I know that these changes don't take well on all browsers. For example, I've made the movie archives a drop down list, where you can right click on the link [for those with slow connections], and this works great on Explorer for the PC, works great on MSN browser, and for Safari on the Mac. But on the Mac while using Explorer; our site looks funked up... big time. So, I did a print screen of the site to post on here, if your caliblog doesn't look like this, than your browser sucks.