Chuck pointed out a web site to me today, apparently he received an email asking him to sign a petition against the renewal of legalizing assault weapons. But the person behind the petition is Tom Mauser, a father of a 15 year old boy who was murdered 5 years ago during the Columbine shootings. I recognized the name from "Bowling for Columbine", his father is interviewed in the movie -- say what you will about Moore, but that film raises some amazingly interesting questions about gun related violence in America, questions that people like Daniel's father need answers to.
For instance, one of the mind-blowing questions compares the number of gun related deaths in America versus a handful of other countries, here's a clipping from an overview on Join Together Online;
In 1996... 30 people were killed with handguns in Great Britain, 106 in Canada and 211 in Germany. In the U.S., 9,390 died this way. In Japan,15.
If you have a moment... actually, even if you don't have a moment, visit Tom's site and sign a petition that will save someone's child's life.
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